Sunday, October 16, 2016

WPC 2016

     When I attended the World Parkinson Congress in Montreal 2013, I had known about the conference for only a couple months and really didn't know what to expect before I arrived. After spending days attending sessions as both a patient and physician, I realized this was a very special meeting that brought together clinicians, researchers and those with Parkinson's. Therefore when I left Montreal I was already looking forward to WPC2016 in Portland.
     In the 3 years between conferences, I completed my travel and exercise challenges and I saw the need for Parkinson's awareness firsthand. This experience made me determined to do my part to spread this message at WPC2016. I was able to raise $5000 to contribute to the WPC Travel Grant Fund, became an Official WPC Blogger, had my video selected as a top 12 video in the WPC Video Competition, submitted an abstract for poster presentation and agreed to provide the introduction talk for the WPC Leadership Forum.  Needless to say I was as full of anticipation as the conference approached.
     In the days before WPC2016, family and friends began to arrive in Portland...
     The weekend before WPC2016, PRO held their annual Sole Support Walk in Portland...
     Then the wait was finally over and WPC2016 was here at last...
     It was a chance to look back on the fund raising activities of the past 3 years...
     I finally got to meet some of my fellow bloggers...
     I also got to catch up with many of those I had met over the past few years who are doing amazing things for the Parkinson's community...
     And I met many new friends and potential future collaborators...
     Now having attended the past two World Parkinson Congresses...
...I'm really looking forward WPC 2016 in Kyoto
...and so is Parky!!


  1. So while it's true that the people make an event (and the people definitely made any event!) this space definitely adds a different dimension to it. Went to San Francisco venues for an evening event and I was really impressed.

  2. I received your name as a PD Blogger. I was at the World Congress in Portland as an exhibitor. is a place where patients and their caregivers can become members of our panels and potentially take part in confidential surveys and get compensated at the rate of $100 per hour for their inputs.

    I come at this as an MS Patient and also work for the company. We are for real and we do not sell our members information.

    I am happy to discuss this further at 301 997-8271 or via email. If you can give us as much publicity in your circles it is appreciated.

    Thank you!
